Customer success is evaluated in two stages: On-boarding and adoption.
On-boarding creates the first impression and adoption is ‘key’ to generating desired results. The following list is a comprehensive compilation of software solutions and tools which can improve EAS onboarding and adoption.
A very powerful tool, WalkMe is a solution that offers onscreen guidance called WalkThrus, to ensure that employees and customers successfully complete their enterprise software tasks.
Contextual guidance is delivered to the right person, at the right time, which accelerates onboarding and ensures long-lasting adoption. It can point new users to the features best leveraged within their niche, guide them around complicated navigation menus and offer insights or additional productivity tips through balloons. It supports both onboarding and adoption.
An innovative CRM app which finds relevance on the vendor side of the equation, Intercom allows a SaaS provider to create detailed buyer personas of users to guide and inform customer success managers.
Even though this product is largely limited to SAP users, businesses that leverage other SaaS EAS solutions in conjunction with SAP can also benefit from Jam.
It is a virtual community of peers, experts and trainers exclusive to a particular company. A major challenge during on boarding is a dip in productivity because of non-uniform knowledge assimilation and disruptive questions.
SAP Jam allows employees with support requirements to connect with available experts within the organization who can answer their queries and provide hands on assistance to boost productivity.
Measurely allows SaaS vendors to judge the viral factor and effectiveness of their on-boarding and adoption content through social signals and other relevant data. Armed with this knowledge providers can disseminate information that is of actual use to clients and can help EAS administrators better perform their jobs.
Both perceived value and employee knowledge retention is improved as a direct result of using Measurely.
This is an email marketing and nurturing tool especially designed to help SaaS onboarding and adoption. It allows vendors to send friendly drip emails which welcome users and guide them to relevant content (created with Measurely).
Providers can quickly assemble nurturing or adoption email sequences as well defining ‘trigger events’ (say a potential churn risk sign) to kick start certain workflows (content to better adopt the software and maybe an offer of a support call).
This article is part of a White Paper called “The Most Powerful Practices to Guarantee Customer Success in Enterprise Business Software.”
Claim your free copy by filling the form below.
The eBook covers a range of topics including:
Chapter 1: 7 Back-Breaking Obstacles You Must Overcome to Ensure Customer Success in Enterprise Business Applications.
Chapter 2: 10 Most Powerful Practices to Guarantee Customer Success in Enterprise Business Applications.
Chapter 3: 5 Tried and Tested Tools to Improve Enterprise Software Onboarding & Adoption.