Must Read Articles For The ERP Enthusiast In You

This month’s article round-up provides a range of information for all ERP users. I believe that understanding the basics is a necessary way to get started in any field, which is why we begin with an article titled “What is ERP?” followed by great reads for the everyday users and ERP enthusiasts!

Before you dig in, check out this solution that can help you make your cloud ERP instantly simple to use. 

1. What Is ERP?

If it just so happens that you are new to ERP and are just beginning to understand the importance of the field, then this is a great article to get you started. Netsuite provides the core idea of ERP in an easy to follow manner that can make anyone an expert. A brief history is the right way to get started in order to appreciate its origins, followed by the beneficial business values of ERP, and how to get each department to work cohesively. You will have all the knowledge of ERP under your belt in no time!


2. Avoid The ERP Nightmare: Stay Current To Maximize Risk And Maximize Performance

This article emphasizes the fact that if companies fail to upgrade their ERP software their whole system could come crashing down, leaving them in a true bind. Avoiding this nightmare may take some work, but if you train your team, perform technical assessments, and migrate your data, there is a high chance that you can avoid this scary nightmare!


3. 9 Reasons Why Your ERP System Should Be In The Cloud

Since most ERP software have already made their way into the cloud, why shouldn’t your system be in the cloud too? This article gives 9 valid reasons why it’s crucial you upgrade your system to the cloud. By providing such great detailed explanations as to why this is the next great step, this article will have you reaching for the sky, or clouds!


4. Cloud ERP Software: What ERP Market Leaders Are Doing

It is proven that even though the cloud does great things for company data and departments, on-premises ERP still dominates. Cloud ERP has not taken over as anticipated, and this article chose to examine what the top leaders in ERP, such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics and Infor, are saying and doing about it.


5. Retailer Takes a Stance on the Cloud and ERP

Selling apparel online is proving to be more challenging than retailers anticipated. This article takes a look at Stance, a retailer which found success through the aid of a cloud ERP system. They found that the system was extremely accommodating when they had large fluctuations in traffic, and could keep track of their thousands of items! Find out how the cloud ERP could help your retail business, even if you never thought it possible.


6. 8 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your ERP System

The implementation of an ERP system can sure burn a big hole in the pocket of your company, while also taking quite a long time to fully implement. So how do you guarantee that it won’t end in failure and all your hard work won’t go to waste? By following these 8 fantastic tips! If implemented correctly and efficiently, your ERP system will be ready to go without a hitch!


7. 5 Ways That Prove Resource Planning Software Is Indispensable

As stated in this next article, “as a manager, you cannot review every task or the process in every department and yet it is your job to ensure smooth operation”. This quote could not be more spot-on! A resource planning software can assure that each department is doing its job, with great benefits like connectivity, real-time information and much more.


8. Is Your ERP Strangling Your Business?

As great as an ERP system is, and how much it should be helping your company, there are times where ERP can hurt more than it can help. If you notice any of these pitfalls occurring, your ERP system may be strangling your business. The most common fix to this problem could be an upgraded system that will simplify and assure that all operations improve.


9. Lot Costing: Costing Solution for Commodity Industries…

This interesting read follows the story of an imaginary company faced with many hardships with their implementation of the ERP system, as many companies do. In this case, the problem was handled with the costing method of “Lot Costing”. Continue reading and find out just how it fixed the problem, and how Lot Costing could help you if you find yourself in this tough situation.

10. Latest ERP Trends

The world of ERP is always improving and making changes. We have to make sure we are keeping up with the latest trends, and are aware of what is coming next. The most recent aspect of ERP is mobility, and the focus as to how it will increase productivity, along with other great improvements!

Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor of ERPeople. ERPeople is a blog focused on all Enterprise Resource Planning business management platforms. ERP can be used by a company to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities, including: Product planning, cost, manufacturing or service delivery, marketing, and sales.