Cloud ERP Adoption is a No-Brainer with these 4 Tools

  Companies rely on Cloud ERP systems to streamline business processes, adapt to growth, cut costs, and increase productivity. Transferring an entire office system to a new Cloud ERP solution can present quite an undertaking. In a fast paced work environment, the easier the transition, the better. Luckily, businesses can rely on many different tools

The Rise of Cloud ERP

By 2016, the cloud service field is predicted to be worth about $98 billion, according to an infographic by Acumatica Blog that showcases several statistics demonstrating the rise of the cloud in the ERP market. While the United States and Western Europe make up the bulk of the Cloud IT market (44% and 25% respectively),

How To Nail Training Programs for Your ERP That Appeal To Millennials and Boomers

  Your workforce is currently made up of two polar opposite groups of people – Boomers and Millennials. Baby Boomers are associated with virtues such as loyalty, dedication and perseverance and Millennials are associated with being technologically savvy and independent. Both generations have great virtues but these virtues translate into big differences in workplace skill

Great Infographic: The Facts of Cloud ERP – SaaS vs On-Premise ERP

While usage is lower, customer satisfaction is much higher among users of SaaS/Cloud ERP systems than of users of on-premise ERP systems, according to this infographic by Plex Online. 22% of respondents use SaaS models, while 60% use traditional on-premise models. An overwhelming majority 98% of users of SaaS/Cloud ERP systems reported that they would