Top ERP Articles of the Month

It’s about time for another monthly roundup of all things ERP. With numerous businesses making the decision to implement ERP systems and cloud ERP, these articles could be quite helpful throughout the process. This month’s top articles include a variety of ERP tips, benefits and strategies that could ultimately aid your growing business.


How to Avoid the 5 Common Pitfalls of ERP Selection

In this article, Ben Rossi discusses 5 common mistakes companies make when choosing a new ERP system, which may lead to their demise. These pitfalls range from “inadequate specification of requirements” to “focusing on costs rather than benefits”. Rossi suggests useful techniques, that way companies can steer clear of these pitfalls and stay on track to successfully implementing their ERP system.


ERP For Startups – Signs that you Need One

Startups are always searching for opportunities to expand and this article believes that in order to grow, the challenges within the startup must be taken care of first. Similarly to big companies, there are tell signs within every startup that may suggest the need for an ERP system. This article focusses on 5 main indicators, such as lacking easy access to business information and experiencing a decrease in sales and customer experience departments that may mean your startup could be in need of ERP. Concluding in how the ERP system would benefit these challenge areas, this article could assist in getting your startup to the next level.


What to Consider When Looking for an ERP Provider

This article from The Westside Story believes that an ERP system is essential to keeping your business relevant and competitive. In order to choose the proper system there are suggested elements that all businesses should consider when choosing their ERP provider. Discussing key elements such as adaptability, affordability, integration, usability and implementation, it is recommended to keep in mind the current needs of your business in order to pick the provider that will best serve you.


How to Create a Self-Driving ERP Strategy the Tesla Way

In this article, Ton Dobbe makes the association between Tesla, the automobile industry, and how one could create their own self-driven ERP strategy. Discussing how Tesla has taken a new approach to the design and engineering of cars, Dobbe found a connection to how ERP systems are drastically changing and how a growing business could implement these new found strategies. Dobbe presents the stages a business must take in order to create this new experience, ranging from standardizing to optimizing.


5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Cloud-Based ERP

When deciding whether your business needs the cloud ERP, it is important to understand the benefits that it can provide. Zac Johnson mentions various possibilities of how the integration of the cloud ERP could help your business, ranging from increased efficiency to reduced inventory cost. Johnson, discussing in detail the options of affordability, accessibility, and support (to name a few), makes his point that the implementation of cloud ERP leads to many satisfied customers and could be the right choice for your business.


5 ERP Cloud Software Platforms that’ll Save You 200 Hours a Year

ERP cloud software provides businesses with anything they might need in terms of accounting, inventory management and financial management applications. Other benefits include employee access from anywhere, security and virtually unlimited storage capacity, all without the need for a full-time internal IT staff.

Among the cloud options are NetSuite, Plex, Acumatica, Microsoft Dynamics AX, and IQMS. What is best for a particular business depends upon the type and needs of your business. In this post, you can find 5 of the many ERP cloud software platforms you may not have heard of.

Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor of ERPeople. ERPeople is a blog focused on all Enterprise Resource Planning business management platforms. ERP can be used by a company to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities, including: Product planning, cost, manufacturing or service delivery, marketing, and sales.